Verdict on the Crash: Causes and Policy Implications

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iea Verdict crash PB Grid:Layout 1Edited by Philip Booth

This book challenges the myth that the recent banking crash was caused by insufficient government regulation of financial markets. Though it finds that statutory regulation failed, and that market participants took more risks than they should have done, it appears that government intervention made matters worse rather than better. Furthermore the fifteen experts who have contributed to this study find that government policy failed in other respects too. As with the boom and bust that led to the Great Depression, loose monetary policy on both sides of the Atlantic helped to promote an asset price and credit boom which, at some stage, was bound to have serious consequences.

Rejecting the failed approach of discretionary detailed regulation of the financial system, the authors instead propose specific and incisive regulatory tools that are designed to target, in a non-intrusive way, particular weaknesses in a banking system that is backed by deposit insurance. This study, by some of the most eminent authors in the field, is essential reading for all who are interested in the policy implications of recent events in financial markets.

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