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Circle Back! The Little Book of Business Buzzwords

ByGeorge Baggaley

Circle Back! is a tongue-in-cheek A–Z guide to the weird and often perplexing world of corporate jargon. Covering every term from ‘across the detail’ to ‘wheelhouse’, it will help you navigate the linguistic minefield of any office or online meeting and provide you with a comprehensive dictionary of today’s most used business buzzwords while also poking fun at our bizarre and collective compliance in using a completely different vocabulary while at work. To pre-order a copy, see the full description below.

The Law of Net Zero and Nature Positive

ByNigel Pleming KC (ed.), Camilla ter Haar (ed.), Karim Ghaly KC (ed.), Richard Wilmot-Smith KC (ed.), Stephanie David (ed.), Stephen Tromans KC (ed.)

This book is the first that provides a comprehensive overview of the law of net zero and nature positive. While the book focuses on England and Wales, it also sets out the wider domestic and international context and relevant law, including the principal domestic and European legislation, in particular the Climate Change Act 2008 and the Environment Act 2021, and how legal obligations in respect of net zero and nature positive translate across different sectors of the economy.

Resilience of Services: Reducing the Impact of IT Failures

ByGill Ringland, Ed Steinmueller

Failures of digital systems cause service outages and data breaches that are now of a number and scale that has major negative effects on the economy and society, internationally. As our dependence on digital systems for services continues to increase, it becomes ever more important to reduce the consequences of errors and outages in these systems. This book provides decision makers in the private, government and not-for-profit sectors with both the motivation to take action and the methods to achieve IT service resilience.

For details of how to pre-order the book, see the “Description” field below

Platformland: An Anatomy of Next-Generation Public Services

ByRichard Pope

This book describes the types of interaction we should expect from the next generation of public services, the digital platforms and infrastructure they will be built with, and the public sector design values needed to make them a reality. Including 30 illustrated design patterns, 10 strategic interventions, and global examples of emerging patterns in digital government.

Adjudicating Construction and Engineering Disputes

ByMatthew Molloy, Jonathan Cope

This book provides a cradle to grave guide to the process of construction industry adjudication from the perspective of the adjudicator. It covers the whole process of adjudication, from the initial enquiry through case management, the conduct of the proceedings, the production of the Decision and post-Decision matters. The purpose is to provide a resource for aspiring and practising adjudicators, both in the UK and internationally.

Surviving and Thriving in the Age of AI: A Handbook for Digital Leaders

ByAlan Brown

Surviving and Thriving in the Age of AI is specifically designed for busy professionals, leaders and decision makers. It is organized to allow you to gain valuable insights quickly and on demand. Above all, the content is grounded in real-world experience and practical applications within the context of digital transformation, ensuring its relevance to everyone who is embarking on a digital journey. Each topic concludes with thought-provoking questions and actionable steps to guide your personal exploration of AI and its implications.

Digital Bricks and Mortar: Transforming the Property Market

ByJohn Reynolds

This book is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand and navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of digital property and mortgage transactions. It offers a nuanced understanding of the transformative forces that are shaping the digital property market, and it provides a stark warning to market incumbents on the need to evolve their business models, their technology and their cybersecurity capabilities.

Construction Law, 4th edition

ByJulian Bailey

This is the definitive reference work for construction law practitioners internationally. In three volumes it provides the most comprehensive treatment of the major issues arising out of construction and engineering projects, with extensive references to case law, statutes and regulations, standard forms of contract and legal commentary.

Money in the Metaverse: Digital Assets, Online Identities, Spatial Computing and Why Virtual Worlds Mean Real Business

ByDavid Birch, Victoria Richardson

The book sets out the potential for financial services in metaverses and the ‘always-on’ immersive internet, beginning with a look at the technologies needed to make these metaverses useful for business. It describes the ways in which new markets will function and the digital assets that will be exchanged in transactions between online identities.

Housing: Where’s the Plan?

ByKate Barker

With so many conflicting views and a balance to be struck between growth and conservation, what housing market outcomes might be regarded as a success for policymakers? This book attempts to give at least some answers, concluding with a list of criteria by which success might be judged along with a list of policy recommendations.

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