
Central Banking in a Free Society

ByTim Congdon

Shows how the Bank of England failed in its duties to provide Northern Rock with proper lender-of-last-resort facilities. This title covers the Northern Rock affair and the subsequent instability in the UK financial system in the context of the history and desired future role of the Bank of England as a central bank.

Bastiat’s ‘The Law’

ByFrédéric Bastiat

An English translation of “The Law” by Frédéric Bastiat, including a new introduction by Professor Norman Barry of the University of Buckingham which places Bastiat’s views in their historical context and explains their continuing relevance today.

Adam Smith: A Primer

ByEamonn Butler

Provides an introduction to the life and work of Adam Smith, the ‘founder of economics’. This book examines not only “The Wealth of Nations”, with its insights on trade and the division of labour, but also “The Theory of Moral Sentiments”, his lectures, and his writings on the history of science.

Why Fight Poverty?

ByJulia Unwin

This book looks back at the struggle to rid the country of poverty and asks if the struggle is worth it. What would a poverty free country be like if we could overcome the obstacles which impede progress?

Rediscovering Growth: After the Crisis

ByAndrew Sentance

Western economies face huge political obstacles to reforms that would boost productivity and growth – continuing stagnation is far more likely. Businesses and policymakers need to adjust to the new reality. And the quicker they do so, the more likely it is that economic prospects will eventually improve.

Reinventing London

ByBridget Rosewell

The financial sector has provided London with an extraordinary impetus for growth over a generation – but what will follow it? The regeneration of Kings Cross and the Olympic boroughs show what the next stage of London’s growth will look like, with an economy driven by accountants and geeks, not bankers.

The BRIC Road to Growth

ByJim O'Neill

This book looks at the latest prospects for the ‘BRIC’ economies and other newly emerging drivers of global economic growth. What can be learned from them, and how can the ‘old world’ adapt?

Notre Avenir Européen

ByMaria João Rodrigues (ed.)

Cet ouvrage, qui rassemble les points de vue d’experts renommes de toute l’Europe, devrait constituer un guide pratique pour tout penseur, decideur ou militant progressiste, ainsi que pour tout citoyen desireux de prendre part au necessaire debat democratique sur notre avenir.

Our European Future

ByMaria João Rodrigues (ed.)

This book brings together the insights of experts from across Europe to rethink Europe’s socioeconomic model in the glare of the environmental and digital transformations; to redefine Europe’s role in the world to contribute to renewed multilateralism; to strengthen investment in public goods; and, to re-invent our democratic contract.

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