
Britain’s Cities, Britain’s Future

ByMike Emmerich

Why did Britain’s cities, once the engines of the industrial revolution, decline so severely? What needs to be done if our cities are once again to be the drivers of our economy? This book answers these questions, looking at the lessons of the last two hundred years.

The Legal Team of the Future: Law+ Skills

ByAdam Curphey

The Legal Team of the Future is the definitive guide to understanding and building the holistic skills required of those working in legal services now and in the future. Highlighting the importance of multidisciplinary teams working collaboratively to solve legal problems, the book introduces a ‘Law+’ model for the profession.

A European Just Transition for a Better World

ByDirk Holemans (ed.)

What kinds of policies does Europe need to make the green economic transition in an equitable way, ensuring that the rights of all are guaranteed in an inclusive society? And how does this translate into the divergent realities of different regions in Europe, and in the Global South? Published in association with the Green European Foundation.

Are Trams Socialist? Why Britain Has No Transport Policy

ByChristian Wolmar

If you have ever wondered why the roads are congested, the trains are full and the buses are no longer running, this book provides the answers. The UK has never had a proper transport policy and it desperately needs one to address the twin challengers of getting people around cheaply and safely, while safeguarding the environment.

The Itinerant Economist: Memoirs of a Dismal Scientist

ByRussell Jones

A fly on the wall, warts and all, description of what it was like to be a market economist during the extraordinary 25-year period that finance came to exert a disproportionate influence on the lives of almost everyone on the planet. It was quite a ride and not without its moments of pathos and humour.

Diseased, Douched and Doctored: Thermal Springs, Spa Doctors and Rheumatic Diseases

ByRoger Rolls

Focusing on Britain’s premier spa at Bath, this book examines how and why ‘taking the waters’ was regarded as an efficacious therapy by both patients and practitioners; and how and why Bath’s Mineral Water Hospital, one of the earliest voluntary hospitals to be established in the UK, ultimately became a world-renowned centre for the study and treatment of rheumatic diseases.

Safe as Houses? A Historical Analysis of Property Prices

ByNeil Monnery

This book looks at house prices over the long term in several countries including the UK, the US, France, Holland, Norway, Germany and Australia to find out what has happened to house prices and why. The author illustrates his findings with authoritative data on trends and provides intriguing details including a century long index of UK house prices, an analysis of the value of the White House and a fascinating four-hundred-year story of houses in Amsterdam.

The Climate Majority Project: Setting the Stage for a Mainstream, Urgent Climate Movement

ByLiam Kavanagh, Rosie Bell, Rupert Read

If climate action remains marginal at this late hour, it will fail. In dismay at the inaction of governments, citizen groups are showing how people can use their real power and authentic voice to drive change. In the workplace, in politics and in local communities, people are stepping forward both to demand transformation and to make it happen.

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