Unsere europäische Zukunft

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Maria João Rodrigues (editor)

The world is facing many great challenges: from pandemics to climate change, and from increasing inequality to the issues surrounding digitalization. In a new and rapidly changing global landscape, Europe must look for solutions to these difficulties to follow up on its impressive decades-long process of integration. Europe has the capacity to chart a progressive course in the world.

This book, which was originally published in English as Our European Future, offers solutions to rethink our socioeconomic model in the glare of the environmental and digital transformations; to redefine Europe’s role in the world to contribute to renewed multilateralism; to strengthen investment in public goods; and finally, to re-invent our democratic contract. The book brings together the insights of renowned experts from across Europe, and it should prove a handy guide for any progressive thinker, policymaker or activist, and for any citizen who would like to take part in the necessary democratic debate about our future.

Maria João Rodrigues is a European politician with a long track record in different European institutions: EU Presidencies, the Council, the European Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament. She played a relevant role in the Lisbon Treaty, the Lisbon Strategy, Eurozone reform, the European Pillar of Social Rights and the interface with the EU’s external strategic partners. She is currently the president of FEPS, a European political foundation based in Brussels that supports EU policymaking and debate. She has been a professor of European economic policy at several universities and was the chair of the European Commission’s advisory board for socioeconomic sciences.

François Balate is an expert in European affairs. He works at FEPS and has previous experience in civil society at the European and Belgian levels. He is an alumnus of the College of Europe and of the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

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